Active Release Treatment (ART)




What is a typical Active Release Treatment (ART) like?

A Doctor of Chiropractic will first determine what the injury is (tear, adhesion or inflammation). The second step is to determine which muscle, ligament, tendon and/or nerve is affected. Specific motions of the body are then used to make the layers of soft tissue slide over one another while the Doctor contacts the injured area with a hand, finger or thumb. These motions could break up an adhesion, force a layer of muscle to slide over another muscle or separate a nerve from connective tissue or a muscle(s). The treatment can be uncomfortable but is  always is done to the patients’ tolerance.

 How do adhesions form?

Adhesions occur in two ways:

1. An acute injury, a blow to, or pull or strain of the muscle tendon or ligament.

2. Repetitive over use type injury such as improper posture, faulty biomechanics, compensation injuries and repeated motions.

The result of an adhesion injury is either that due to the compression, soft tissues feel tight, full and suffer from decreased blood supply. Scar tissue is produced to protect the soft tissue from further damage. This effect of decreased circulation and scar tissue adhesions alters the function of the structures involved and results in pain, decreased athletic performance and poor mobility of the muscle, joint, or area of function.

How long will it take to resume normal physical activity after a treatment?

Unlike many conventional therapies Active Release Techniques does not require extended periods of rest before activity is resumed and results are noticed.

Athletes are typically treated right before competing in the Ironman Triathlon, NFL/MLB/NHL games or at the Olympics. In fact, it usually helps to workout right after the treatment to get the muscle/joint to function properly.

 Why try Active Release Techniques(ART)? 

Active Release Techniques, in terms of success rate, has been shown to be more effective than  conventional therapies and is more cost effective.

Who can perform Active Release Techniques (ART)? 

Only a credentialed ART provider can determine whether Active Release Techniques might be beneficial for your condition.

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